Saturday, May 16, 2009

Batman "The Dark Knight" Breaks a new record

Yes eventually this new Batman movie hit a new world record in scoring a high gross income. It is now No. 2 in the all time list of top movies still second to “Titanic” which has a total gross income of $600,788,188. Batman The Dark Knight accumulated a total gross income of $533,184,219 way beyond the Star Wars “A New Hope” which now place at the No. 3 spot with a total gross income of $460,998,007.

We all just hope that Heath Ledger is still alive to see the outcome of this masterpiece. He really did an excellent job playing the role of “The Joker” two thumbs up and a Billion of applause plus a standing ovation to you Mr. Ledger.

Now that DC Comics and Warner Bros. hold the 2nd place in the all time list it will be a bigger challenge to Marvel Studios to produce a much bigger and much good superhero movies. Who knows “The Avenger” movie might do it or perhaps the likes of Spiderman 4, another Hulk or Ironman will do it. Watch out for “The Mighty Thor” movie.

1 comment:

pradhyumnakansara said...

Hats off to you Mr. Ledger for providing an A CLass entertainment to us...I commend your efforts and note here that an actor of your stature does not visit this planet too often.....